Inside: Cell phone etiquette tips so you don’t turn into THAT person, especially while out in public
Have you ever been in a public place and felt like you were surrounded by a sea of glowing screens and oblivious users? Don’t be a socially unaware zombie. Here are some simple tips to keep your smartphone usage polite and pleasant for everyone around you.

Poor Cell Phone Etiquette
This past week my family was having brunch at one of our favorite restaurants while on vacation. The table next to us had about 8-10 family members at it. It was obvious they had met up for Saturday brunch. Two of the women at the table looked like they could be grandma or a great aunt.
The woman sitting across from grandma was on her phone…playing a game. She was holding the phone in front of her face, and she was playing a GAME.
Now, Grandma could be as mean as a snake. She could spit insults and be the nastiest person around. However, I’m not sure that was the case. She was sitting there quietly. She looked like she wasn’t sure who to talk to, and my heart hurt for her.
I don’t think anyone was trying to be disrespectful. It’s an addiction. Phones are addicting. Addictions ultimately lead to bad behavior.
Here’s how to practice the best cell phone etiquette when out in public:
1. Use headphones (or at least mind your volume)
Ever been in a restaurant or other public place and suddenly felt like you were part of someone else’s phone call, playlist, or even their kid’s TV show? Yeah, not exactly the most enjoyable experience, right?
First, use headphones or hold your phone to your ear. The speaker function on your phone is fantastic, but it shouldn’t be used in public where everyone else has to hear your conversation.
On the topic of headphones, if you or your child want to watch a video, don’t play it where others can even remotely hear it. Keep it on mute or use the headphones.
There’s nothing ruder or more distracting than forcing others to listen to your entertainment choice.

2. End phone calls before interacting with the rest of the world
If you are on a phone call, focus on the phone call… away from others.
It’s polite for the person you are on the phone with at the time, and it’s polite to the people you want to engage with in public.
For example, if you are on the phone while at the grocery store, don’t go check out while still chatting away. Finish the phone call or ask them to hold while you have your interaction. Be courteous to the cashier, and give them your attention.
3. Watch your notifications
Ping! Buzz! Ding! It’s like a symphony of interruptions.
Be mindful of your notification sounds, especially in quiet spaces like libraries or waiting rooms. Nobody wants to be startled out of their zen-like state by the sound of your phone announcing your latest Facebook comment or email notification…15 times… in less than an hour.
You don’t have to turn your cell phone completely off, just silence it from ringtones and utilize the vibrate function.
Furthermore, save your sanity, and declutter those phone notifications! You may enjoy life a little more if you don’t have a constant reminder to look at your phone.
If you are feeling tethered to your cell, check out ways to end feeling addicted to your phone (while still functioning in modern times).

4. Keep your eyes up
Sure, that reel of adorable kittens is captivating, but remember to look up from your screen every once in a while. Engage with the world around you, make eye contact with fellow humans, and maybe even strike up a conversation (gasp!) with the person sitting next to you.
You never know, they might have some fascinating stories to share that don’t involve viral cat videos.
I feel like so much of the world is missing out on interaction with others. Your new best friend may be sitting right next to you!
I once met a friend on a plane. I had my phone and plenty of work to do, but something told me to strike up a conversation with this person. We had a blast chatting for two hours. He ended up being a family friend for several years. He was even a public relations manager for a major league baseball team and hooked us up with home base tickets for YEARS!
You never know who will be sitting next to you. It could be the friend you need at that moment in life. Or, it could simply be an enjoyable conversation with another person, making the day a little brighter.
5. Respect personal space
Ah, the art of the accidental phone invasion. Whether it’s invading someone’s personal space with your selfie stick or weirdly forcing people to walk around you as you take over ten minutes worth of photos for your Instagram account (at the entrance to an attraction), be aware of your surroundings.
Respect other people’s privacy and personal space, and always ask for permission before including them in your digital experiences.
6. Practice phone parking
Picture this: you’re having a lovely meal with friends, but every few minutes, someone’s phone lights up, and suddenly they’re lost in the digital abyss. Don’t be that person.
Practice the art of phone parking by placing your device face down or tucking it away in your bag during social interactions.
Trust me, the world won’t end if you’re offline for a little while. You made time to be with other people, so be with them.
Need some digital detox ideas (without going unplugged)? It’s not as hard as it seems!

Cell phone etiquette statistics
It seems wanting people to practice cell phone etiquette in public isn’t a new ideas. The Pew Research Center did a survey on cell phone etiquette, and people seem generally bothered by others being on their phones in public, but the thing is, most of us still do it!
Why? Because cell phones can mimic drug addiction. They are an escape from reality. (If you want to go down a science report rabbit hole, this report on cell phone addiction is interesting.)
What do we do? We go back to interacting with one another. Humans are meant for social interaction, and we can only do that by mindfully putting our phones down and interacting with one another…in real life (IRL). We can do this!
Cell phone etiquette in public
It’s not that complicated. With a little practice of cell phone etiquette, we can all coexist harmoniously in this digital age.
Let’s strive to be mindful, considerate, and, above all, polite with our beloved devices. After all, a little politeness goes a long way in making the world a happier place for everyone. Happy scrolling!
How about you? What cell phone etiquette rules would you add to this list? Tell me in the comments section below!

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